Before class

Hello! While the Healthy Habits workshop is open to students of any computational skill-level, there are several things you'll need to do BEFORE class.

1. Basic command line knowledge

This workshop assumes you have some basic knowledge of the Linux command line. If you know several simple commands like ls, cd, cp, and mv you should be ok. However, we won't be teaching these basics in this course, so if you aren't familiar with them you may find the course difficult to follow.

2. FASRC account

A majority of this workshop will take place on the FASRC cluster, so you will need a FASRC account to be able to follow along. If you do not have one, please use the link below to request one.


Whether you already have a FAS RC account or are requesting one for the first time, you must confirm that you can login to the cluster with your FAS RC account before class by replying to the e-mail you received with info about the workshop.

3. Github account

We'll be using the version control program git and the hosting platform GitHub for some of the exercises. If you don't have a GitHub account, please use the link below to create one. If you already have an account, please make sure you are able to login before the workshop starts.


If you add a .edu e-mail address to your GitHub account, you can get free access to GitHub Pro, along with a lot of other programs and GitHub Copilot (AI coding assistant). Check out the GitHub education website for more info:

GitHub Education

4. RStudio (recommended for Day 4)

On the last day, we'll be re-creating a figure in a paper using R and Rstudio. We'll do this locally on your computer (rather than on the cluster), so if you don't have R and RStudio installed, please use the links below to download and install them.

Workshop links

Use the links below to find the workshop instructions for each day.

These links will become available as the date of the workshop approaches.